Contact us: +44 (0) 1942 671122
Contact us: +44 (0) 1942 671122
Many of our customers have found that a custom LED display can offer a cost effective solution to differentiate & distinguish their product against competitors. Custom LED displays feature integrated segments and icons where these features can enhance designs & interface and reduce assembly costs. Examples include curved and shaped modules, colour coded display segments and touch panels.
Formatting dedicated characters and icons in compact modules allows customer specific functions to be displayed and tailored to the equipment and application. For flexibility of information, custom arrays can be configured with a choice of colour permutations using LED chips as light sources.
Custom LED displays are available in surface mount format and offer an auto-insert, low profile solution to a wide range of applications. Height profiles may be as low as 3.1mm with an option of reverse mount to further reduce the profile. Maximum dimensions are 60x60mm.
Specifying and driving a display might not be your core competence where we can offer guidance and assistance to develop display projects